Greg Hatch

Trainer | Clinician | Core Team

I started skiing in the mid 70’s and skied one trip per year with my father who first took us to Colorado. (Steamboat, Crested Butte, Telluride, etc.)

When he discovered Utah he purchased a place at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon. I’ve been skiing Alta, Snowbird, Brighton and Solitude since the late 70’s. 

I started snowboarding in the mid 90’s. I got trained in skiing (PSIA) and snowboarding (AASI) while living in Germany working for the Armed Forces Recreation Center.

After returning to the USA in 2002 I made the move from Florida to Utah. I’ve worked at Brighton for 21 years. 

I enjoy spending time in the mountains and beaches. I have 40 years of teaching experience in sports. I am certified in teaching sailboarding, inline skating, skiing and snowboarding.

Enjoy life while you can, you never know when it will end.

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