Checkout Procedures

Minimum Checkout Requirements


  • Ski - Check-Out Thru Green
  • Board - Check-Out Thru Learn to Turn

Steps for doing a checkout


  • Complete the Sliding Tasks for the desired level with a trainer. This can be done in a clinic with several instructors working on the same tasks.
  • Team Teach (Shadow) several classes of the desired level.
  • Fill out the Team Teach/Checkout signup form.
  • Fill out the Pre-Checkout Form for the desired level. Look for links below.
  • Teach a class with a trainer present, then review the result of the Checkout with the trainer.
View Checkout Flow Chart

Below you will find links to Task Videos and Pre-Checkout Forms for the desired level.

(Some Snow Board content is still pending)


Amazing Students


Lessons & Tutorials


5 star reviews

Ski Apprentice Tasks and Forms

6 Task Videos: Introduction, Safety Stop, Breaking Wedge, Side Slips, Wedge Turns, Parallel with Pole Plant.

Ski Green Tasks and Forms

5 Task Videos: Wedge Turns, Wedge Christy Turns, Basic Parallel Turns, Straight Run Leapers, Falling Leaf.

Ski Blue Tasks and Forms

5 Task Videos: Basic Parallel with Pole Plant, Short Radius with Pole Plant, Blue Bump Run, 1000 Steps, Linked Pivot Slips.

Ski Black Tasks and Forms

6 Task Videos: Dynamic Free Ski, Short Radius with Pole Plant, Stork Turns, 1 Foot Garlands, Retraction Turns, Avalanche Class.

Ski Little Rippers Forms

2 Forms: Ski Little Rippers Checkout.
Advanced Ski Little Rippers Checkout

0 videos
2 Forms

3 Year Olds

3 Year Old Pre-teach worksheet

0 videos
1 Forms

Park N Pipe

Park N Pipe Pre-Checkout Worksheet

0 videos
1 Forms

Board Apprentice Tasks and Forms

1 Task Videos: Introduction
Tasks to be completed: Safety Stops, Side Slip, J-Turn to a Stop, Basic Turn, Basic Switch Turns, Dynamic Turns

Board Green Tasks and Forms

0 Task Videos:
Tasks to be completed: Large Radius Skidded Turns, Short Radius Skidded Turns, Controlled Switch Turns, Carved Hop Traverses, Garlands (regular & switch)

0 videos
1 Form

Board Blue Tasks and Forms

0 Task Videos:
Tasks to be completed: Controlled Turns on Blue off-piste, Controlled Switch Turns, Carved Turns on Blue, Funnel Long to Short Radius, Easy Junps, 180's Across Fall Line

0 videos
1 Form

Board Black Tasks and Forms

0 Task Videos:
Tasks to be completed: Short Radius Turns on Black, Controlled Turns Black off-Piste, Controlled Switch Turns on Black, Blue Bump/Edge Change Across fall line, Toe-to-Toe 180's, Powder/Packed Powder, Avalanche Class

0 videos
1 Form

Board Little Rippers Forms

2 Forms: Board Little Rippers Checkout.
Advanced Board Little Rippers Checkout

0 videos
2 Forms

3 Year Olds

3 Year Old Pre-teach worksheet

0 videos
1 Forms

Park N Pipe

Park N Pipe Pre-Checkout Worksheet

0 videos
1 Forms